E-ISSN 2545-5699
P-ISSN 2695-1924
VOL. 8 NO. 2 2022

The Impact of Increasing Centre Points on Three-Factor Spherical N-Point Design Using Full Quadratic Model

Inamete Emem Ndah H., Onu Obineke Henry & Hosea Yakubu


The study considered the Impact of increasing center points on three-factor spherical N-point Designs using quadratic model. The research considered how the increase in center points will affect the D-optimality, Sum of square errors, Grand Means of the designs as well as the Akaike information and Schwarz’ Bayesian Criteria. The center point’s addition considered were 1-5 inclusive. It was found that the D-optimality of the designs were maximized at 1 center point with the central composite circumscribed design (CCCD) having the highest value. This shows that the CCCD is the best three factor design on the basis of D-optimalty. The study shows that the Box-Behnken design (BBD) has the smallest sum of square error from 1 to 3 center points, while from 4 to 5 center points the CCCD recoreded the smallest sum of square error. The grand mean of Doehlert design and Central composite inscribed design increases for increasing center poins, while BBD decreases from 1 to 4 center points. The CCCD proves to be the best design based on AIC and SBC criteria, followed by CCID


Three-factor design, Box Behnken design, Doehlert design and Central Composite design


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