E-ISSN 2579-0544
P-ISSN 2695-2483
VOL. 7 NO. 1 2022

Moderating Influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Value Creation and Organizational Resilience in Nigeria Domestic Airlines Operators

AKANI, Godspower Henshaw & DAMIAN-OKORO, Inetimi Roseline, PhD


The study examined moderating influence of entrepreneurial orientation on value creation and organizational resilience in Nigeria’s domestic airlines operators. Specifically, the study investigated the relationship between value creation and organizational resilience of Nigeria’s domestic airline operators and the role of entrepreneurial orientation as a moderating variable on value creation and organizational resilience of Nigeria’s domestic airline operators. Value creation was un-dimensioned while organizational resilience was measured in terms of organizational adaptability and organizational ability. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire with a 5-point likert-scale. 70 copies of the questionnaires were distributed to each of the 14 Nigeria domestic airline operators, 54 copies were retrieved and valid copies 46. A sample size of 70 respondents consisting of business airline managers, marketing managers, operational managers, supervisors and desk officers from each of the 14 Nigeria domestic airline operators. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistic. Pearson product moment correlation served as the test statistic. At the secondary level, univariate analysis was used to respond to research questions and partial correlation was used to test the moderating influence of entrepreneurial orientation on value creation and organizational resilience. The multiple regressions were used to evaluate the combined impacts of all the predictors on criterion variables. All statistical analyses were performed relying on SPSS 22.0. The study revealed that there is a positive and significant relationship between value creation and organizational resilience of Nigeria’s domestic airlines operators. Similarly, entrepreneurial orientation significantly moderates the relationship between value creation and organizational resilience. The study concludes that value creation relates with organizational resilience of Nigeria’s dom


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