E- ISSN 2489-009X
P- ISSN 2695-1908
VOL. 8 NO. 3 2022

Electromagnetic Radiation and the Associated Health Risk to Organs on the Head and Neck Region from the use of Mobile Phones

Mangset, E.W , Dinchi, B.D & Sauri K.A


This research work aimed at determining the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of cell phones in the 21 st century cell phones operating between 900MHz – 2100MHz and to assess the possible health effects to the organs within the head and neck regions exposed to Radio Frequency (RF) radiations from the use of phones. Five phone models comprising of 73 phones were assessed, the electric field (EF), magnetic field (MF) and radiofrequency power densities were determined using a tri-axis meter Electrosmog meter, EMF-390. The SARs values were calculated from the EF and the various dielectric properties of the tissues in the head and neck regions. The results showed that the average SAR values of all the cellular phones studied conformed to the 900MHz recommended limit by International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) while only 60% conformed to the 1800MHz recommended limit by ICNIRP. The non- conformity implies that the users could suffer adverse health effects ranging from myriad feelings to discomfort to life-threatening diseases. Wireless radiations offer the promise of improved remote sensing, connectivity, communications and data transfer but unfortunately have significant adverse health impacts.


Electromagnetic radiation, specific absorption rate (SAR), head, neck, electric and magnetic fields


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