E-ISSN 2545-5737
P-ISSN 2695-2165
VOL. 7 NO. 2 2022

Antioxidants-rich Nutraceutical Ameliorates Lead-induced Oxidative Stress in Albino Rats

S. Rabiu , M. G. Abubakar , D. M. Sahabi and M. A. Makusidi


Treatment of lead toxicity is usually through aggressive approach such as chelation and bowel irrigation and these therapies are used just to promote body metal excretion and are considered less effective due multiple limitations and side effects. Therefore, the present study was conducted to evaluate the protective and curative potentials of formulated antioxidant-rich nutraceutcals against lead-induced oxidative stress in albino rats. A total of Fifty (50) albino rats of both sexes weighing 200–220 g were equally and randomly divided into two (2) groups (A and B models) of twenty five rats each. The group A was designed to study the protective effect of formulated nutraceutical against lead-induce oxidative stress. While group B was to evaluate the curative effect of same formulated nutraceutical in rats after lead intoxication. The rats in each of the models were randomly divided into five groups. Thirty (20) rats of lead treated groups were administered with different concentration of antioxidant-rich nutraceutical in both models. While 10 rats were treated with standard drug. Our findings reveals that oral administration of antioxidant- rich supplement in lead-intoxicated rats (in both models) significantly reduced blood lead levels, increased the activity of antioxidants enzymes and glutathione levels. Similarly, the levels of antioxidant minerals (Fe, Zn, Cu and Se) and vitamins (A, C and E) were boosted significantly. Concurrently, significant decreased levels of malondialdehyde were observed after administration of the antioxidant-rich supplement, hence, lowering lead-induced oxidative stress. Therefore, oral administration of antioxidant-rich supplement may invariably use as protective and as well as curative regimen to curtail lead-induced oxidative stress.


Lead, Toxicity, Antioxidants, Nutraceuticals, Oxidative stress


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