E-ISSN 2545-5699
P-ISSN 2695-1924
VOL. 8 NO. 1 2022

Breast Cancer Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network

Igiri. C.G., O.J. Ibeawuchukwu., Orji. Friday


in this study, we have developed an artificial neural network that will help determine if patient have breast cancer. Artificial neural network have been used effectively in detection and treatment of several dangerous diseases, helping in early diagnosis and treatment, thus increasing the patient’s chance of survival. The system starts by collecting an image dataset, which was pre-processed by converting this images into an array of binary digits. Image Augmentation was performed on the images so as to avoid the problem of imbalance in the dataset. An artificial Neural Network algorithm is used for training our proposed model to detect breast cancer. After preprocessing, the model was built with a total of 178 input neurons, output layers which will detect if the patient have no Breast Cancer or the patience have a Breast Cancer which can further be categorized into any of the two stages which are Benign stage, Malignant stage,. The model was trained using a Artificial Neural Network with 9 numbers of epoch, and gave an accurate result of about 98.87% accuracy at an epoch number of 8.


Breast cancer, Artificial neural network


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