E-ISSN 2579-0501
P-ISSN 2695-219X
VOL. 7 NO. 1 2021

An Ethical Reflection on the Tiv and Christian Family Values

Asen Isaiah & Alu Theophilus Zever


At creation, the family was made to be a stable institution which parents and children would live in peace and harmony and fulfil the purpose a of God. The changing realities of time and place have greatly affected the family framework all over the world. This 21st century, families are characterised by incessant crises, witnessing gradual disintegration of family norms, values and cohesion. It is against this background that the paper makes an ethical reflection on the Tiv and Christian family values. The study employs analytic and evaluative methods and relied on secondary sources data collection. It was found in the paper that, the Tiv family like the Christian family has basic family values like love, chastity, responsible parenting, faithful unions, discipline, respect for elders and economic corporation among other things. Both cultures frowned at divorce, irresponsible parenting, same sex unions, incest and every vice that is against the development of a healthy family. Based on the findings of the study, therefore recommends among other things that: there is need to strengthen moral education in the society. This must be a shared responsibility of the family, Church and schools. Counseling is necessary in helping families overcome most challenges facing the family today thus, is recommended. And the Church and civil authorities must work towards ensuring stable marriages to ensure and create stable families. This could be done by creating good policies that promote economic sustainability and social welfare.


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