E-ISSN 2545-5729
P-ISSN 2695 2416
VOL. 8 NO. 2 2022

Counselling Adult Leaner for Community Participation in Development of Literacy Centers in Akampa Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria

Dr. Effiom, Bassey Ekeng, Dr. Ekwok, Mercy Lawrence, Ebuara Mary Oshama, Odo-Simon Kelech, Prof. Elizabeth G. Akpama, Prof. Anthonia Inaja


This paper focus on how adult literacy education and community development are explored to determine how adult literacy education might be used to further the goals of community development in Akampa Local Government Area of Cross River State. While there are parallels between these two disciplines, there are also barriers to overcome if an integrated approach to dealing with community issues is realized. This paper reflected an interest in advancing a comprehensive approach to community development in communities with limited economic resources, low-level literacy and limited access. It seeks to address the issue of whether adult literacy education programs have a meaningful role to play in community development. The strengths of participatory approaches such as community-based literacy, and community development principles such as collective action, shared values, participation, social justice, political awareness and action, comprehensiveness, empowerment, and learning and reflection, facilitate an interdisciplinary approach. putting these three perspectives sought to stimulate and provoke the adult learner to critically analyse issues around him/her and be able to suggest practical solutions that will lead to his/her personal development and that of the rural community, all within the cultural setting. promotes confidence as an individual in a modern society, and as a member of a national and world community.


Counselling Adult, Community, Learner, Participation , Literacy, Development.


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