Journal of Accounting and Financial Management (JAFM )

E-ISSN 2504-8856
P-ISSN 2695-2211
VOL. 8 NO. 5 2022

Facts Processor Tools Scheme and Performing of Scheduled Commercial Banks: Accounting Survey

Innocent Oko Odey, Christopher Etim Nyong & Inyang Ochi Inyang


The investigation was embarked upon to actually determine the facts processor tools and performing of scheduled Commercial Banks using accounting survey, with particular focus on First Bank of Nigeria. The major objective was to find out the correlation between facts and processor tools and three measures of performing represented by after deductions earnings, earnings per share and workforce enhancement. Consequently, to achieve the purpose of the exploration, the study used survey mechanism in collecting data from entity under study and the data gathered were evaluated appropriately using tables and percentage in order to confirm the exploration postulates and propositions. The results showed that, there is a progressive connection between financial information spawned from the facts processor tools and after deductions earnings as well as earnings per share, and also there is a progressive connection between workforce enhancements. Hence, the study unwaveringly suggested and acclaimed that the studied scheduled bank directors and administrator should ensure adequate investment of resources in facts processor tools and technological scheme, and faithful implementation of the scheme, to enhance the quality and timely financial information which is produced from their financial alignment for investment decision and operation activities, and subsequent enhancement of performing (after deductions earnings, earnings per share and workforce enrichment) of the bank.


Accounting, Banks, Commercial, Performing, Processor, Tools


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