E-ISSN 2504-6145
P-ISSN 2695-2459
VOL. 8 NO. 1 2022

Assessment of Nutritional Composition of Atama (Heinsia crinita) and its Fungal Pathogens

Wekhe E.O., Chuku E.C., Nneji W. E. J. and Granville I. T.


The research on the assessment of nutritional composition of fresh Atama (Heinsia crinta) leaves and it’s associated pathogens was carried out. Atama leaves were purchased from Mile 3 Market, Port Harcourt, Nigeria and analysed in the Laboratory of the Department Plant Science and Biotechnology, Rivers State University, washed and sent to the Department of Food Science and Technology for assessment of the Nutrient quality.The results of the Proximate analysis of fresh Atama leaf revealed that the leaf is rich in 26.4 0.1 of moisture, 4.3 0.1 of ash, 15.2 0.1 of lipid, 15.4 0.1 of fibre, 18.4 0.2 for protein and carbohydrate for 20.07 0.2. Mineral assessment revealed the presence of calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus. However, calcium was (300mg/300mg), iron (50mg/50mg), magnesium (156mg/156mg), phosphorus (149mg/149mg), potassium, sodium (52mg/53mg). Determination of vitamin revealed only the presence of vitamin A,C, and Thaimime. Phytochemical screening showed the availability of carotenoid, polyphenol, flavonoid, lignan, while anti nutrient, showed glycoside, oxalate but no values for saponin. Three fungal organisms (saccharomyces cerevisiae, candida sp and Mucor spp) were isolated to be responsible for the spoilage of Heinsia crinita. However saccharomyces cerevisiae sp had an incidence of 20% and candida spp with an incidence of 20% and Mucor spp had an incidence of 60% respectively. Consumption of Atama leaf is advised as they supply adequate energy and minerals for metabolic processes needed in maintenance of life, although it still prone to fungi spoilage.


Atama (Heinsia crinita), nutritional quality and fungal pathogens.


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