E- ISSN 2489-009X
P- ISSN 2695-1908
VOL. 8 NO. 2 2022

Gross Alpha and Beta Radioactivity in Surface Water and Soil from Lead and Zinc Mining Area and their Radiological Risks in Wase Local Government Area, Plateau State, Nigeria

Mangset, E.W and Bulus, P. J


Radionuclides are naturally found throughout all environments. They are present in varying amounts in air, water, plants animals, soil and water. In this study ten (10) water samples and fifteen (15) soil samples from Zinc and Lead mining areas in Kampani Zurak village, Wase LGA of Plateau state were collected using standard methods. The samples were analyzed for gross alpha and beta activities using MPC – 2000-DP. The results obtained showed that the gross alpha activities in water ranged from (0.005 ± 0.004 – 0.456 ± 0.019) Bq/l with a mean value of 0.1059 ± 0.0087 Bq/l while the gross beta activities for the water samples ranged from (0.290± 0.009- 1.450 ± 0.047) Bq/l with a mean value of 0.723 ± 0.1335Bq/l. The gross alpha activities in soil samples ranged from (0.003± 0.001- 0.737 ± 0.132) Bq/g with a mean value of 0.1876 ± 0.0301 Bq/g and the gross beta activities ranged from (0.003± 0.004- 3.615 ± 0.003) Bq/g with a mean value of 0.3961 ± 0.0099 Bq/g. The committed effected doses for adults ranged from (0.001- 0.092) mS V /yr with a mean value of 0.0216mS V /yr while for children it ranged from (0.001-0.137) mS V /yr with a mean value of 0.0316mS V /yr. The committed effective doses to children and adults were compared with the WHO’s standard limit of 0.1mSv/yr. The results indicated that location 3 had relatively high dose to children while other locations are within the standard limits. From the results obtained, 40% of the water and soil samples analyzed had their activity above the WHO’s Standard Limits. This implies that the general public in the studied areas where their values are above the accepted limit may be exposed to radiation health risks.


Gross alpha; gross beta; mining area; committed effective dose; mining ponds.


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