IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 8 NO. 3 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56201/ijebm.v8.no3.2022.pg17.26

Critical Examination of Service Quality and Relationship Marketing in Establishing Sustainable Long Term Customer Relations in Commercial Contexts

M.L. Mohammed , Yahaya Isa Mohammed


Service Quality and Relationship Marketing compatibly build and improve customer relationships with the marketers in business environment. The Objective of this paper is critical examination of the interdependent nature between service quality and relationship marketing in establishing sustainable long term relationship with customers in business operations. The paper employed the use of secondary source to obtain information related to the topic. The facets of relationship marketing can be explored, with the greatest emphasis on internal services and marketing. Higher quality services came from continuous improvement, and intensive employee’s training and participation and communication, knowledge and understanding of customers, that built service and relationship culture in business organization. Business enterprise can successfully achieve its service quality delivery and relationship marketing through development strategy, creation of customers value , performance analysis and assessment, and management of information process by ways of targeting the “right” customers, at the right place, at the time and build relationships with them. Poor service delivery created gaps between service providers and receivers; such as Knowledge gap, Policy gap, Delivery gap, Communication gap, Tangibility gap. On the other hand higher services quality closed the gaps consistently to meet customer expectations and satisfaction. Thus, service quality served as resource for building relationship marketing. Offering solutions that meet customers complains. Offering quality package with competitive advantage in Marketing Operations, Creating and delivering specified service to target customers, at the right time, Adhere to consistent quality standards and value provision to customers. Offering high service performance to ensure acceptable costs operations function, Recruit, train and retain the best employees for internal services and marketing activity in every ope


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