E-ISSN 2545-5699
P-ISSN 2695-1924
VOL. 8 NO. 1 2022

REVISION: A System for Motion Detection in Real-Time Video Streams

D.J.S. Sako, E.O. Bennett, C.G. Igiri, F.B. Deedam-Okuchaba, P. Obe


This paper discusses the implementation of REVISION, a GUI-enabled security and surveillance system that detects motion in video streams received from attached webcams in real time. REVISION has the ability to automatically analyze the video images, alert and archive the images when motion is detected from the view of the camera. This provides relief to the normal video surveillance system which continuously records the situations even when there is nothing happening in front of the camera; a situation that results in consumption of large amount of memory and a time-consuming reviewing process requiring more manpower and human resources. The system is designed and modelled using Object-Oriented analysis and design methodology, and implemented using Java programming language. The initial testing of the system shows that it worked as expected


Image Processing, Threshold, CCTV, Surveillance, Motion detection


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