E-ISSN 2545-5710
P-ISSN 2695-222X
VOL. 8 NO. 2 2022

Species, Age and Sex Effect on Thermoregulatory Parameters of Animals in Hot Season of Mubi

Abbaya, H.Y., Philimon, Y., Elihu, A., Lawal, A. U. and Lumbonyi, I. A


The study was carried out to determine the effect of species, sex and age on thermoregulatory traits of three species of animals in the hot season of Mubi. The species were cattle, sheep and goat. A total of forty eight (48) animals were used, comprising of sixteen (16) each of cattle, sheep and goat that were sourced at international cattle market Mubi. Thermoregulatory parameters taken were, rectal temperature (RT), Respiration rate (RR) and Pulse rate (PR). Heat Tolerance Coefficient was calculated as an index. The thermoregulatory traits measured were subjected to analysis of variance using statistical analysis for sciences (SAS) and means were separated using Duncan Multiple Range Test. Species and sex significantly (P<0.05) affected rectal temperature and pulse rate. The highest recorded rectal temperature was in goat (39.74 0C). The highest pulse rate was in cattle (59.08 beats/minutes). The highest recorded rectal temperature was in male cattle (39.03 0C). The highest pulse rate was in female goat (36.97 beats/ minute), respectively. The highest recorded rectal temperature was in adult sheep (39.03 0C). The highest recoded respiratory rate was in young cattle (72.67 breaths/minute). The highest recorded pulse rate was in young sheep (39.33beats/minute). The highest recoded heat tolerance coefficient was in young cattle (4.48). Respiration rate perfectly correlated positively (P<0.001; r=0.99) with Heat Tolerant Coefficient. It was concluded that sheep had better thermoregulation ability than cattle and goat. This study recommend a provision of sheds at animal’s stands to reduce the direct effect of radiation on the animals at Mubi livestock market.


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