E-ISSN 2550-7125
P-ISSN 2682-5902
VOL. 6 NO. 1 2022

Ranking of Variables Influencing Construction Project

Mac-Barango, D.O & Nwogu, P. C


Construction projects are successfully delivered when they are completed at targeted cost, time as well as meeting the required performance quality wise. The above assertion is often times more of an abstraction than reality. This research aims to identify several of those factors that inhibit project success with a view to ranking the degree of impact of these factors on project delivery time and consequently on success. The research using questionnaires as its instrument for data collection, obtains the personal data of the respondents as well as research components and other variables that influence project delivery. The research employed the statistical technique of percentile as well as central tendencies for the analysis of research components – (the variables influencing project delivery). The means score values of the variables formed the basis for the determination of the influencing variables. Research findings establishes as follows: (i) The mean score values of factors which contribute to delay in project delivery were between 2.26 to 4.02, where unfavourable economic policies with the value of 4.02 is the most critical and client’s understanding of design, procurement and construction processes with a value of 2.26 is the least. (ii) Other factors that impact on project delivery time had mean scores between 2.93 to 3.96, this include unfavourable physical conditions, inadequate design, incomplete and late information quality management and so on. The research concludes that attaining project objectives at first budget and scheduled time is more of an abstract than reality and as such it important to put into cognizance the components and variables as established in this study. The research recommends and exploratory study on other aspects/factors affecting project delivery time and successful implementation.

(i) Projects (ii) Construction Projects (iii) Successful Projects (iv) Target cost (v)Scheduled Time (vi) Project Success Determinants.


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