E- ISSN 2489-009X
P- ISSN 2695-1908
VOL. 8 NO. 1 2022

Detection of Abnormal High Pore Pressure Zones in OML-58 in Niger Delta Oil and Gas Field

Orudukobipi Asime


Having a prior and accurate knowledge of formation pore pressure is vital for any oil and gas producing sedimentary basin on socioeconomic and technical point of view. This will ensure safe and cost effective drilling operations; enable effective assessment of formation fluids migration pathway and trap configuration, unbundle basin modelling challenges and determine seal integrity. This study detected abnormal pore pressure zones using sonic- porosity logs from Two Wells (Well A and Well B) in OML-58 in the Niger Delta. The Niger Delta basin was assumed being extensional and compaction disequilibrium is the major cause of the abnormal high pore pressure in the study area. The slowness were digitized from the sonic logs at 25m depth interval; the sonic compressional velocities obtained by taking the inverse of the slowness; and the porosities computed using the Wyllie’s equation. Deviation from the normal compaction trend method was employed for the detection of the abnormally pore pressured zones. Results showed that the porosity and slowness decreases with depth while the sonic compressional velocity increases with depth in Well A in line with the normal compaction trend. There were significant deviations from the normal compaction trends from the depth- porosity profile, depth-slowness and depth-sonic compressional velocity profile Well B. Well A has no abnormal high pore pressured zone and Well B has an abnormal high pore pressured zone at depth column of 2700m- 2775m. The determined abnormal high pressure zone falls within the range of depths of abnormal high pressure zones in the Niger Delta


Abnormal Pore Pressure, Normal compaction trend, Porosity, Slowness, Sonic compressional velocity


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