E-ISSN 2545-5710
P-ISSN 2695-222X
VOL. 8 NO. 1 2022

Fungal Population in Farming Soils in a Community in Rivers State

Aleruchi, O. & Dike, C.L.


Fungal population were studied from different farming soils in Rukpokwu community, in Rivers State. The control soil was collected from a non- farming soil. Soil samples were collected from different location using a hand auger at dept of 0-15cm and labeled A-F. Mycological and physicochemical analysis were done using standard procedures. The mean total fungal count ranged between 5.21×103 to 2.57×104 CFU/g. The lowest fungal counts were found in sample F (control), while the highest fungal counts were found in sample A. The predominant fungal isolates identified were Mucor sp, Microsporum sp, Candida sp, Penicillium sp, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Rhizopus sp, Rhodotorula sp, Geotrichum sp, Scopulariopsis sp, and Saccharomyces sp. Candida sp occurred more followed by A. niger while Rodiotorula sp, Rhizopus sp, Saccharomyces sp and Geotrichum sp shared similar frequency and occurred the least. The study showed that fungal populations in the various farms were higher than those in the control. The fungal isolates from the various soil samples differed only little. The nutrient composition of farm soil revealed that the soil samples contain nutrients necessary for fungus and crop growth. The results suggest that plants residue can play a pivotal role in fungal population in soil.


farming soil, fungal population


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