E-ISSN 2579-0544
P-ISSN 2695-2483
VOL. 7 NO. 1 2022

Budgetary Allocation Trends for Public Secondary Schools Infrastructure: (Analysis of Students Population and Other Demographics)

Dumo .O. Mac-Barango and I. K. Zubairu


There ordinarily exist a considerable correlation between demographics and infrastructure development. There is now a massive growth of high schools in Nigeria; the most pressing for this sector today is to meet the new infrastructure needs of an increasing number of students. Gaps in population requirements for infrastructure are manifest in overcrowding, overstretching and decadences. This research sets out the key trends of budgetary and population analysis of public secondary schools. The essence of the analysis was to ascertain the truism that “demographics and budgetary allocation correlate considerably and to ascertain what extent it applies to chosen parameters within the study location and the time series. Research findings establish that the key trends between the parameters did not constitute good basis for capital funding. The research concludes that student population and other demographics were not relevant parameters that determined budgetary allocations within the time series of the study and subsequently could not be used as a basis to predict effective budgetary allocations beyond the study period. The study recommends further exploratory studies on other empirical parameters and trends that could form basis for undertaking effective budgetary allocations.


Physical Infrastructure, Budgets, Budgetary Allocations, Secondary Schools & Demographics


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