E-ISSN 2504-4766
P-ISSN 2682-5910
VOL. 5 NO. 1 2022

Flooding and Its Perceived Effects on the Health of the People of Ahoada East Local Government Area of Rivers State



This study investigated flood and its perceived effects on the health of the people of Ahoada Last Local Government Area of Rivers State. A descriptive survey Design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised of all the people in Ahoada Local Government Area. A simple random sampling technique was used to select four hundred and twenty-four participants. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire and analyzed using simple percentage, mean, standard deviation and ANOVA at 0.05 alpha level the mean age of respondents as 28.27±4.02 cams. 50.2% were females. 49.8% were males, 42.7% were married, 40.6% had tertiary level of education and 44.3% were working with pay. The finding of this study showed that flooding was low. The major source of flood found was heavy rainfall (34.9%). Majority (81.6%) indicated that flood had ever affected their health. The perceived physical health effects were fever (92.2%), malaria (88.2%), cholera (78.3%), typhoid (77.8%), foot sores (70.8%), spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) (68.4%), dermatitis (67.0%) diarrhea (66.7%), and conjunctivitis (60.6%). The perceived mental health effect include; suicide ideation (77.8%), forgetfulness and soliloquizing (74.3%), post-traumatic stress disorder (73.6%), and mental disorder (60.4%). The perceived emotional health effects of flooding were anxiety and disappointment (94.1%) followed by emotional stress and sadness 381(89.9%). Depression and illusion 349(82.3%), and insomnia and headache 297(70.0%). The result of the tested hypotheses showed that statistically there is a significant different between flood and perceived mental health (p<0.05), emotional health (p<0.05) and physical health consequences which can affect physical, mental and emotional well-being. It was recommended therefore, house management agencies and town planners should ensure that building of houses and structures are been supervised and well planned in such a way that will n


Flood, Health effect, Prevalence, Ahoada East


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