E-ISSN 2504-6145
P-ISSN 2695-2459
VOL. 8 NO. 1 2022

Proximate Composition and Fatty Acid Profile of Okpa Produced from Bambara Groundnut Flour in Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Thomas C.N & Okoro Samuel D


The nutritional value of traditional food (TFO) called ‘Okpa’ obtained by processing Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranean L.) was investigated. Proximate composition of Okpa showed that it contained high moisture content (70.21%), crude protein (8.31%), carbohydrate (11.35%), lipid (6.17%), low in ash (2.26%) and crude fibre (1.71%) and average energy yield was 151.51 kcal/100g calories. Fatty acid profile of Okpa contained highest total amount of saturated fatty acids (64.63%) being dominated by stearic acid (46.50%), palmitic acid (16.68%) and trace amount of myristic acid (0.33%). The total monounsaturated fatty acid was 32.57%, comprised of oleic acid (21.46%), palmitoleic acid (11.07%) and myristoleic acid (0.04%). Total polyunsaturation was lowest (2.84%), comprised of trace amounts of linoleic acid (0.62%), linolenic acid (2.15%), eicosetrienoic acid (0.05%) and arachidonic acid (0.02%). Quality of fats in Okpa was poor due to low Ps value of 0.044, not beneficial to health of consumers with heart-related diseases.


Nutritional value, traditional Okpa, and fat


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