E-ISSN 2579-0536
P-ISSN 2695-2696
VOL. 5 NO. 1 2022

Thermophysical Characterization of the Bulk Parameters Analysis of Plain Bitumen Seepages Deposit at Agbabu Area of Ondo State South Western Nigeria with their Corelation Matrix Properties



Thermophysical characterization and physicochemical analysis is a necessary step in probing into the engineering properties of the heavy unconventional oil (Bitumen) in order to outline the best method of production, modification and refining of the heavy oil. Also to determine the economic viability of its production, processing, modifying, refining and it’s upgrading as a synthetic oil as well as its other uses for engineering purposes. The data assays of this engineering properties of the bitumen samples were obtained through comprehensive experimental studies on four different samples of bitumen following a procedure outlined according to America society for testing and materials. The parameters studied are: softening point, kinematic viscosity, specific gravity, America petroleum institute gravity, (API gravity), water content, gum content, ductility point, penetration point, of the samples were also analysed. Results show API gravity with the range of (8.88–10.780), specific gravity (1.01—1.04), kinematic viscosity (4.4x103–5.3x103cSt), water content (1.62– 3.48%), gum content (1438– 6434mg/ml), softening point(46—47%), ductility point (74—76cm), penetration point (60— 70cm),Ash content (20---23%) These results suggest that the bitumen samples have similar physicochemical characterization and shows strong positive correlation within samples, and this indicates that they are geologically and genetically related and they are viable economically to be processed, modified, as well as upgraded so as to enhance the production of synthetic oil which will serve as supplement so as to lasting the life span of the conventional oil and its other engineering purposes.


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