E-ISSN 2545-5966
P-ISSN 2695-1932
VOL. 7 NO. 1 2022

Comparative Study on Profitability of Garri Production and Marketing in Khana Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria

MORRIS Rachael Elo-Oghene, OKUDUWOR, Adibie A. and OZIGBU, Johnbosco C.


The study comparatively analyzed the profitability of garri production and marketing in Khana LGA., Rivers State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to described the socio-economic characteristics of garri dealers in the study area, examined the profitability of garri for producers and marketers, and identified challenges to efficient garri production and marketing in the study area. Data for the study were collected via the use of questionnaire from 120 respondents and analyzed using descriptive statistics and budgetary techniques. The result showed that most of the respondents were female (63.3%) while (36.6%) were male. (80%) of the respondents had different level of education. (61.7%) of the respondents finance their agribusiness via personal savings. The profitability analysis indicated that return from garri production was lower than marketing. The net farm income/plot was N52,853.36 with an average gross margin/plot of N64,752.22 was realized in garri marketing. The gross ratio of 0.56 for garri production while 0.46 for marketing ,and the operating ratio of 0.44 for garri production while 0.34 for marketing. The study concluded that garri marketing was more profitable than production. The study recommended that Government should make policy reforms to facilitate price stability for investment in garri enterprise, expansion of economic empowerment programme, provision of basic infrastructural facilities such as good roads network to curtail marketing cost.

Profitability, Garri, Production, Marketing, Khana LGA


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