E-ISSN 2579-0528
P-ISSN 2695-2467
VOL. 8 NO. 1 2022

Boxing As a Discipline in the Young Athlete's Training

Lucia Valentino, Francesco Tafuri Francesca Caso


This research work analyzes young people's training process in boxing, understood as a discipline that gives rules through a specific training practice. Training thus becomes a psycho-physical well-being path, in which the sacrifices due to the discipline, imposed by the rules, can be worthwhile for the rest of life, both as a permanent cultural practice and to promote the comparison between diversity and socialization. This construction path, through the culture of work, will see young people as representatives of the positive values of sport, especially against marginalization and school dropout, thus enhancing the values of an ancient sport like boxing


Formative process; Sport; Boxing; Talent; Youth training and regulation.


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