IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 7 NO. 3 2021

Human Capital Development and Organizational Performance in the Nigeria Banking Industry

BANABO, EKANKUMO (PhD) & Wariowei Rosemari(PhD)


The human resource is the most critical production resource of any organization. Any organization that despises it does so on its own detriment. All other factors of production depend on the functionality of the human element for their own efficiency. It is this element that ensures the organizational survival, efficiency, and effectiveness. In light of this, t his study examined the impact of human capital development on organizational performance in the Nigerian banking industry. However, the specific objectives of the study were to determine the impact of learning on organizational performance; to ascertain the effect of innovation on organizational performance and to examine the effect of expertise skills on organizational performance. Three specific objectives, research questions and hypotheses guided this study. The modernization theory was critically looked at and this theory guided the study. The implication of this theory is that human skills, expertise are acquired through basic training. Organization seeking to improve overall performance of it’s employees must embark on massive training and re-training of it’s employees. A sample size of 102 was used for the research work. Stratified random sampling was used to draw the sample for this study. Simple percentage and The Pearson product moment correlation coefficient were used to test the hypotheses and analyze the data collected. Findings revealed that learning enhances the overall strength and is able to bring the enterprise sustainable competit ive advantage. Also, the study revealed that innovation has the potential to influence firm performance. The study revealed that there is a significant relationship between expertise skills and organization’s performance. The study thus concludes effective human capital development could enhance organizational performance. The study recommends that in order to boost organization’s performance, firm should train or re-train their worker through seminar and conferen


Learning, Innovation, Expertise Skills, Organizations Performance, Human Capital Development.


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