E-ISSN 2545-5966
P-ISSN 2695-1932
VOL. 6 NO. 2 2021

The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Nigeria’s Economic Development (1984-2018)

Linus E. Akujuobi PhD & Stephen Eguonor Ejitagha


This research explored issues pertaining to sectorial allocation of FDI in the major sectors of the Nigerian economy. It focused on the effect of sectorial FDI on Nigerian economy in terms of Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDPpc) and Human Development Index (HDI). It estimated the effect of FDI on economic development employing sectorial data inflows of FDI to Nigeria from 1984 to 2018 (inclusive). Previous studies using sectorial inflows of FDI failed to reach some sort of consensus. However, this study provides an insight to sectorial FDI inflows by evaluating the cross-sector effect of FDI on growth and development. The central objective of the work was to determine the effect of FDI inflows to Mining & Quarrying (FDIMQ), Manufacturing & Processing (FDIMP), Agricultural Sector (FDIAG), Transport & Communication (FDITC), Building & Construction (FDIBC) and Trade & Business (FDITB). The effects seemed to be varying across the various economic sectors, with FDI in the manufacturing and processing sector having the greatest effect on GDPpc and HDI. On the other hand, FDI in the mining and quarrying sector appeared to have impacted positively on GDPpc, while, FDI in the agricultural sector, and FDI in the building and construction sector tended to have some degree of positive effects on HDI but negatively on GDPpc. Based on the findings, the study recommends amongst others that government should encourage the inflow of more FDI into the various sectors by creating an enabling environment and formulating strategic socio-economic policies that would enhance the ease of doing business in Nigeria


Foreign Direct Investment, Gross Domestic Product, Gross Domestic Product Per Capita, Human Development Index


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