E-ISSN 2579-0498
P-ISSN 2695-2181
VOL. 5 NO. 1 2021

Covid-19 Education Damage ‘Guardians’ Remedial Strategies to Regain Children Loss in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area in Rivers State



Corona virus broke out sometime in 2020 evidently sector of human life, education inclusive governments and concerned authorities, realizing the critical place of education , scheme of things in the begun measures to remedy the damage cause by the chronic outbreak. This study examined the steps that have been taken by parents and other concern authorities to make their school children regain what they loss as a result of the pandemic outbreak. The study adopted the documentary survey design, using the qualitative descriptive methods of data documentary. The study raised three research questions. The target population consist of parents of both primary and secondary schools children in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area. The data documentary tool was the document of primary Health Care covid-19 in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area. The obtained data was descriptively analyzed. The findings revealed that the Corona pandemic brought about lockdown, caused school closures, the resort to remote learning loss of instructional time and much more on public education severely affected the realization of the aims and objective of Nigeria's National policy on Education as evidenced by a marked normal deficiency in the students’ social mental, moral, spiritual and psychological development. The study recommended, among others, that Nigerian Government, through its educational authorities, should ensure that the heads and teachers of their educational institutions to realize the damage regarding the realization of the aims and objective of the National policy on education that has been done and makes determined efforts to remedy the abnormally, and the Nigeria Ministries of Education should ensure that instructional time pupils and students' at all levels of the education system is increases or doubled to make up for compensate for the loss already incurred.

