IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 2 NO. 3 2016

Repositioning Public Library for Economic and Educational Enhancement in Nigeria

Agodi, Joy Eberechukwu & Obasi, Raymond Ozoemelam


The study analysed repositioning of public library for economic and educational enhancement in Nigeria. Libraries are the repositories of recorded knowledge. They are thus fulcrum for social, economic, education and cultural growth of a nation. The intellectual attainment of a nation can be gauged from the coverage and quality of its library services. Public libraries have remained under- developed in spite of continuous call on the government and private individuals to improve and reposition these libraries for better services. The deplorable nature of these libraries has affected the quality of service rendered by these libraries, leading to poor perception of the public libraries by the society. Primary data were the main sources of data. 25 copies of questionnaires were duly completed and returned by the respondents (Librarians). Data were analysed using descriptive statistics. Findings showed that the condition of public libraries in Nigeria was bad and inadequate infrastructural facilities were the major challenge facing public libraries in Nigeria among other challenges. It also found that a collaborative strategy is the best strategy for repositioning public libraries in Nigeria. The study therefore, recommends that the federal government should partner with state government to better the condition of public libraries in Nigeria. Adequate and functional modern facilities should also be put in place to improve performance. A collaborative strategy should be implored were federal and state government, stakeholders in education, international and local bodies to give these libraries the desired attention. When the libraries are repositioned for better services, the perception and image of public libraries by the society will change leading to economic and educational enhancement in Nigeria.


Repositioning, public libraries, economic, educational, enhancement


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