IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 2 NO. 3 2016

Self-Employment as a Strategy for Poverty Reduction: Empirical Evidence from Benue State

Dr. Sunday Edesiri Akiri, Odike Abraham Ijuo and Maria Peace Apochi


This study was carried out to investigate the place of self-employment on the reduction of poverty in Benue State. The study adopted a multistage sampling procedure in which three Local Government Areas, one from each of the three senatorial districts in the state were selected in the first stage, and 150 (50 from each Local Government Areas) respondents were purposively sampled to form the population of study. Data were collected with the use of structured questionnaire and analyzed using qualitative statistical tools (simple percentages and tables) and quantitative tool of Logistic Regression Model to estimate the impact of self-employment on poverty reduction. It was found out that self-employment is a veritable strategy for poverty reduction in the economy of the State. The study also found out that while self-employment has significantly helped in poverty reduction, its impact has not been able to translate to the desired higher living standards as measured by specific socioeconomic variables that are expected to show higher living standards among households. It was also found that the growth of self-employment in the area is hampered by a number of factors including absence and poor electricity supply, poor patronage, multiple levies from the government, lack of funds, etc. The study therefore recommends amongst other things that government, NGOs or groups join hands in promoting the growth of self- employment via provision of electricity, encouraging the consumption of locally made products, granting soft loans with little or zero interest rate, for government to reduce the rate of levies imposed on them, etc. This will guarantee speedy alleviation of poverty in the State and Nigeria as a whole


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