IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 7 NO. 2 2021

The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Commitment

Obiekwe Onyebuchi (PhD), Mobolade Gideon Olakunle & Akinade Mojisola Esther


This paper theoretically examined the impact of emotional intelligence on organizational commitment. The paper notes that possession of emotional intelligence drives managerial and employee’s commitment and influences how organization’s members exert individual effort toward organizational wellbeing and accomplishment of organizational goals. The paper posits that possession of emotional intelligence enhances employee’s development of deep rooted affection towards the organization, and hence extensively contributes to high organizations capability and resourcefulness. The paper concluded that emotional intelligence promotes employees job satisfaction and organizational committed, and is highly essential to help employees cope with physiological and psychological stress they always go through, as well as to achieve enhanced job performance. The paper also pointed out that emotional intelligence is vital in contributing to firm effectiveness by improving morale of employees. The paper recommends that managements should develop their employee’s emotional intelligence skills in order to increase their job satisfaction which promotes organizational commitment. Moreover, emotional self-awareness of the employees should be developed through timely training and other relevant methods so that the employees could effectively control and manage their own feelings and behaviours at all times thereby promoting healthier organizational climates that stimulates commitment of members and increased organizational productivity.


emotional intelligence, organizational commitment, efficiency, performance, productivity.


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