IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 7 NO. 2 2021

Consumer Motivations and Patronage of Street Food Vendors in South-East of Nigeria

Edwin Okey Umeanyika, Peace Azuka Eze (Ph.D), Marcus Okwuchukwu Anyasor (Ph.D) & John Chidume Anetoh (Ph.D)


This study examined the drivers of consumer patronage of street food in South-East of Nigeria. Specifically, the study sought to ascertain the influence of food quality and quality of service delivery on consumer patronage of street food in South East of Nigeria. A survey research design was adopted. The target population comprised consumers of food vendors while the population size was unknown. The study sampled 384 respondents for the field survey. The source of data was primary while the questionnaire was the instrument used. The average reliability coefficient was 0.744. A convenient sampling strategy was used in reaching the respondents. The formulated hypotheses were tested using multiple regression analysis at 5% level of significance. The findings revealed that food quality had a positive and significant influence on consumer patronage. The finding also showed that quality of service delivery had no significant influence on consumer patronage. The findings of the study have many valuable implications to many stake holders, policy makers, marketers, consumers and scholars. The study recommended that street food vendors should continue to improve on quality of food and also put enough efforts by cooking quality menu that enhances consumer patronage of street food vendors. Also, street food vendors, should endeavor to invest more on service delivery strategies by being more responsible, reliable and increase speed when rendering services in order to increase consumer patronage


Motivators, Consumer Patronage, Street Food Vendors, South-East of Nigeria


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