IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 2 NO. 2 2016

Investigating the Sensorial Marketing Methods in UK Clothing Retail Sector

Muhammad Sajid Saeed, Mahsan Mubarak Alsiari, Iffat Batool


In this study, the leading fashion brand of the UK were investigated in terms of their use of sensorial marketing methods. The researcher used survey method in this research. The research was quantitative in nature; hence the quantitative data is collected by administering a questionnaire to the targeted population that is the customers of the leading brand store in the UK. The study’s main purpose was to assess their concerns about sensorial marketing and also to evaluate the consumers’ behaviour. The researcher has administered the questionnaire by a web link for Facebook and also by Google docs which is a free service to develop, gather, collect and analyse data. The findings provide significant and appropriate data which is supported by several theories in the literature. Based on the results of the primary research the following two findings are evident: (1) sensorial marketing is not much adoptive technique in the fashion retail sector as it does not use sensorial marketing techniques in order to attract consumers (2) the techniques of sensorial marketing are not only efficient for clothing sector, but also considered as a key success factor for this sector.


Sensorial marketing, UK retail sector, consumer behaviour


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