E-ISSN 2579-0501
P-ISSN 2695-219X
VOL. 6 NO. 1 2021

The Roles of Women in the New Testament and Contemporary Church in Nigeria

Amadi-Nche Church-Hill & Anga-Nyanabo Ibiene Opuine


The Canons of the New Testament scriptures are explicit in the documentation of the male disciples of Jesus but silent as regards the female gender. The reasons for this may be due to some cultural or religious factors. However, after the death and resurrection of Jesus, the activities and roles of women in the New Testament became very prominent. Thus, this paper centres on the roles of women in the New Testament and contemporary church. Were women impactful in the advancement of the gospel in the New Testament times? Were they silent or active? What were the roles played by women in the New Testament? Besides, are women ministry consistent with the New Testament canons? Contextually, what are the roles or impact of women in the contemporary church? This is the thrust of this paper. The paper employs the descriptive analysis method and maintains that though there are no records of Jesus calling any female gender as disciple in the New Testament canons, women such as Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome, Priscilla and many other women were indispensable in the propagation of the good news about the resurrection of Jesus. In other words, women played vital roles in the New Testament for the spread of Christianity. The paper also maintains that women are vital instrument in the contemporary church. This is evidenced as will be expressed in this paper in the numerous groups and leadership positions which they occupy in the contemporary church such as teaching, preaching, music and ushering departments. The paper recommends equal treatment of male and female in the contemporary church and society.


Canons, Gender, New Testament, Roles, Women


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