E-ISSN 2545-5966
P-ISSN 2695-1932
VOL. 5 NO. 2 2020

Impact of Internal Control on Fraud Prevention and Detection in the Public Sector: A Case of Anambra State.

Onyefulu Deborah Iyinomen


This research article examines how internal control can prevent and detect fraud in the public sector. This study covers the accounts section of Anambra state government of the 247 staff in the accounts section, 120 staff in the director of accounts office, internal control unit, cash unit and pay office were sampled using well-structured questionnaire. Data were analysed using Anova. This study shows internal control of Anambra state public sector is not adequately staffed, equipped with qualified personnel to prevent and detect fraud. It is recommended that their accounting systems provide an efficient means of recording and reporting financial transactions, providing management information and protecting the public’s asset from fraud and misappropriation.


Internal control, fraud preventive controls, detective controls.


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