IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 6 NO. 3 2020

Strategic Learning and Corporate Vitality in the Downstream Aviation Sector in Nigeria

Akpotu Christopher Ph.D AND Ozioko Emmanuel Anayochukwu


Improving the operational capacity of firms to meet the challenge of competition has resulted to making strategic choices that strengthen its capacity to compete and innovatively serve markets. The vitality of firms is the potency to mobilize resources to respond to market therefore this study primary investigated the relationship between strategic learning and corporate vitality of firms in the downstream aviation sector in Nigeria. The study adopted a positivist approach using the cross-sectional survey design. The survey instrument served the purpose of acquiring data from a sample sixty-four (64) management staff of the firms. The instrument showed reliability and from the data generated and analyzed, using the Pearson Statistic, it was found explicitly that strategic learning correlates strongly and significantly with corporate vitality of firms in the downstream aviation sector. From the study findings, it is concluded, building corporate vitality requires capturing knowledge, work skills and competencies through strategic learning that could functional and context specific. Based on this, it is recommended that strategic learning platforms in the form of continuous interaction and shared experiences be created to fast track learning and at same time ensure stored knowledge for organizational purposes


Strategic learning, knowledge creation, knowledge interpretation, responsiveness, innovativeness, resourcefulness


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