E-ISSN 2545-5966
P-ISSN 2695-1932
VOL. 5 NO. 1 2020

Effect of Information Relevance on Market Share price of Quoted Companies in the Nigerian Stock Exchange: Basic Material Sector

Bingilar Paymaster Frank PhD AND Preye E. G. Angaye PhD


The study examined the effect of accounting information on market share price of quoted companies in Nigeria stock exchange: Basic material sector. The specific objectives are to ascertain the effect of earnings per share, dividends per share and return on assets on market share price of basic material sector listed on the floor of Nigeria Stock Exchange from 2010- 2017. Secondary data were sourced from the publications of audited financial statement on the Nigeria Stock Exchange. Inferential statistics of the hypotheses were carried out with the aid of E-view statistical software using regression analysis. Findings of this study shows that Return on assets has a positive and statistical effect on market share price of 5% significance level. Earnings per share also have some relationship with market share price but dividends per share do not have a direct relationship with market share price. In all because of the strong effect of Return on Asset on Market Share Price, there was a positive relationship between the dependent and independent variables. It is therefore recommended among others that since accounting information has significant effect on the market price, there should be better accounting information disclosure and improved quality financial reporting by basic material firms in Nigeria


Accounting Information, share price, investment decision


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