IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 6 NO. 1 2020

The Sustainable Development and Team Motivation to Increase Organizations Productivity

Majdi Jabullah Tahir Kuweelah


At presented time, manufacturing world required motivation at the work environment. A substantial body of theory has been attesting to the fact that motivation and productivity are ideas that have been subjects of massive enthusiasm among specialists and administrators. Moreover, the target of this paper is to direct a writing survey and examination of hypotheses and experimental proof on the connection between representative inspiration and hierarchical profitability with the end goal of drawing significant motivation activities for administrative practice. In addition, the examination uncovered that there are various variables to consider in propelling representatives: some fiscal or monetarily, for example, pay and others are non- money related like acknowledgment and testing employments. Significant ramifications are displayed for administrative practice also this observational study has reviewed the impact of employee motivation in several domains. In addition, this research aimed to answer the two research questions which are RQ1: What are the motivation theories' advantages and disadvantages?; RQ2: What’s the impact of motivations factors in terms on increasing organizations' productivity?. The result of this observational study has been presented in Table.1.2. Factors enhancing employees’ motivation and Table.1.1. The team motivation theories


Motivation, productivity, theories, non-financial rewards, organizations productivity, team motivation.


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