E-ISSN 2545-5966
P-ISSN 2695-1932
VOL. 4 NO. 3 2019

Effect of Dividend Policy on Stock Prices: Evidence from Nigeria

Alfred C. Osakwe, Vincent N. Ezeabasili, and Jessie I. Chukwunulu


The study examined the effect of dividend policy on stock prices with empirical evidence from Nigeria. The study employed dividend yield (DY), dividend pay-out ratio (DPO), earnings per share (EPS) as the dividend policy variables and net asset per share (NAPS) as control variable of firm size. The dependent variables and proxy for stock prices is the market price share (MPS). Data were obtained from financial statements of 10 consumer goods firms quoted in Nigerian stock exchange. The panel data covering a period of five years from 2011 to 2015 were used. A panel least square regressions technique was employed. The results showed that DY has an insignificant negative effect on MPS, DPO has a significant positive effect on MPS, EPS has a significant positive effect on MPS while NAPS has an insignificant positive effect on MPS. The study thus concludes that dividend policy is capable of influencing the stock prices in consumer goods sector of the Nigerian stock market indicating that the theory of irrelevancy of dividends do not hold in the case of Nigeria


Dividend policy, stock prices, Nigerian Stock Exchange, earnings per share


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