IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 5 NO. 3 2019

Contemporary Issues and Entrepreneurship Alternatives for Managing Post-Retirement Conditions in Nigeria

Egwuenu, Amaechi S. (Ph.D) & Omede, Nduka K. (MBA, M.Sc)


Retirement in Nigeria has been a dreadful, devastating and a tension provoking phenomenon. This is so because of certain hardship experienced by retirees occasioned by delay and nonpayment of gratuities and other pension benefits after retirement. Therefore it is incumbent on workers to begin to put plans in place towards their retirement as soon as they gain appointment; to avert the attendant’s risks and other unpleasant conditions associated with retirement. This paper stressed that a blissful and enjoyable post retirement life requires that certain sustainable provisions in-terms of capital and income generating measures be put in place prior to exiting, the work force who ignores this caution do so at his/her own peril. This paper also made attempts to identify and discuss extensively on the entrepreneurship alternatives and approaches for managing post-retirement conditions. It advised teeming Nigerian workers on the need to embrace entrepreneurship alternatives available in line with their areas of interest/specialization; so as to enjoy a healthy and blissful post-retirement life.


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