IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 5 NO. 1 2019

Employee Participation in Decision Making and Organizational Productivity: Case Study of Cross River State Board of Internal Revenue, Calabar

Dede, Chinyere Helen


The study examined the relationship between employee participation in decision making and organizational productivity among staff in Cross River State Board of Internal Revenue, Calabar. Motivation theory and qualitative data collection approach were employed. The simple and purposive sampling techniques were used to obtained a sample of 80 respondents for study, the questionnaire consisting of 40 question on the various employee participation scenarios and an interview were administered. Finding from the study indicated that when employees participate in decision making implementation becomes easy, and creates a good working environment, increases commitment and satisfaction on decisions taken and also increases employee’s moral since the feel recognized and as part of the team in the organization and the direct consequence of all this improved productivity. The paper recommended that employees should be given the necessary skills and adequate training need in order to promote creativity and innovation in decision making and work attitude as this enhance organizational productivity


Employee participation, Decision Making, Organizational Productivity, Cross River State, Board of Internal Revenue.


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