IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 5 NO. 1 2019

Organizational Family Culture and Employee Involvement in Nigeria Workplaces: An Empirical Analysis

Obiekwe, Onyebuchi, Zeb-Obipi, Isaac AND Ejo-Orusa, H.


This study empirically examined the relationship between organizational family culture (OFC) and employee involvement among manufacturing firms in Rivers State, Nigeria. The quasi- experimental research design (survey) was utilized. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling techniques. The sample size of 292 was obtained from 1074 employees of selected manufacturing firms in Port Harcourt using the Taro Yemen’s formula. The Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Co-efficient was used to test the null hypotheses. The study revealed that firm-based family culture, team-based family culture, and consultative family culture all correlate positively and significantly with participation, empowerment, and teamwork. The study concludes that organizational family culture (OFC) is a vital strategy to improve employee involvement in today’s organization setting. Additionally, organizational family culture leads to employee’s commitment, effectiveness, productivity, innovativeness and adaptability in organizations that involve their employees in firm’s processes. It recommends that, organizations should utilize firm-based family culture, team-based family culture and consultative family culture to drive and enhance workplace participation; empowerment and teamwork among their employees. Organizations should introduce organizational family culture to generate employee’s commitment and strong feeling of attachment to the organization. Organizations should ensure that their employees are well developed through appropriate participation, empowerment and well planned team activities in order to acquire the needed competencies to properly carry out assigned tasks and take part in decision making and other processes relevant to their levels in the organization in order to create harmonious working relationship among members and drive organizational performance, among others.


firm-based family culture, team-based family culture, consultative family culture, participation, empowerment, teamwork.


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