IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 4 NO. 8 2018

Farmers Perception of Climate Change on Maize Production in Khana Local Government Area of Rivers State Nigeria.

Harry, A.T. & Umeh, J. A.


The study examined perception of climate change on maize farmers in Khana Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria multistage sample procedure was used in selecting 110 maize farmers. Data were collected from the respondents using, structure interview schedule. Data were presented and analyses using, frequenting counts, percentage, mean statistic. Results revealed that (39.8%) of the farmers were between 41-50 years, those were married (67.5%) had formal education 75.9% were full time farmers (69.9) were Christians (97.6%), were subsistence farmers (98.8%) acquired land by inheritances (54.2%). Perception of causes of climate change were deforestation (x =3.10), bush burning (x =3.34), burning of fossil fuel (x =3.45), methane (x =3.25) and natural disaster (x =3.24). The result also revealed consequences of climate change were poor crop growth (x =3.53), poor crop yield (x =3.65), it increased cost of production (x =3.06) shortened life span of crops (x =3.24) and lowered farm income (x =3.37). Adaptation strategies to climate change were: change in farming season (x =3.37), planting of trees (x =3.46), early harvesting of crops (x =3.23), prompt weeding (x =3.30), mixed cropping (x =3.73), and mulching (x =3.92). T (x =3.92). The study recommends that proper education and awareness on correct adaptation strategies as well as state support for proper adaptation on such techniques so that food supply will not be jeopardized in the long run


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