IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 4 NO. 8 2018

Constraints Associated with Farmers from Being Satisfied with NDDC Agricultural Activities in Etche LGAs of Rivers State, Nigeria

Harry, A. T. & Wechie, E.


This study examined constraints associated with farmers from being satisfied with Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) Agricultural activities in Etche local Government Area of Rivers State. Primary data were collected using structured questionnaire from 120 respondents using multistage procedure. Data were subjected to descriptive statistics. The result of educational level shows, majority (54.2%) of the respondents were school certificate holders and very low level of satisfaction (1.32) with the NDDC agricultural activities. The results also showed that the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers did not significantly influence the level of satisfaction with NDDC agricultural activities. NDDC credit loan assumed a high extent with a mean of 3.38% farmers constraints on agricultural activities was high with a grand mean of (3.29) with lack of demonstration farm (3.97) and lack of agricultural shows and awareness as the major (3.98) constraints. The study recommends frequent training activities with demonstration farm and provide credit loan with low interest rate to benefit farmers in the area


Satisfied, Agricultural activities, farmers & NDDC.


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