IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 4 NO. 7 2018

The Status of Work Life Balance for Women in Banking Sector and Its Impact on Their Perceive Performance in Bangladesh

Md. Mehedi Hasan AND Sanuar Hossain


Banking sector is one of the thriving sectors in Bangladesh and the women participation in banking sectors have increased over the years in Bangladesh. This study specifically focus on the status of work life balance for women in banking sector and its impact on their perceive performance. We have collected the data among 104 women bank professionals who are currently working in the two governments and one private bank in Bangladesh. We have used structured questionnaire for collecting the sample from the participants. Categorical data have summarized using frequency distribution, bi-variate analysis has performed by chi-square test and multiple liner regression has used to identify potential co-variates associated with the perceived performance. The age of the majority was 30-40 y (59%) followed by 25% was less than 30 years. Of them, 64% were officer level, monthly income >BDT 30, 000 (64%), 25% had more than 2 dependency. Of them, 72% were satisfied for the perceived work performance, 21% were neutral and 7% were disagreeing about their performance. Result of bi-variate association showed that number of dependents (P=0.037), types of bank (P=0.026), average change of managing household chores (P=0.011) was significantly varied according to their performance. However, the variation did not found in terms of age, designation, years of service, monthly salary, marital status, and their daily activities. The study revealed that majority of the bank professional are satisfied about their performance, however, one out of five assume that they do not perform satisfactory. The evidence suggests that the reduction of discrimination in terms of salary, facilities from the organization can faster the performance of the professionals.


Work life Balance, Perceive Performance, Banking Sector, Women Participation.


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