IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 4 NO. 5 2018

Understanding the Information Systems Evolution in Organisations Leading to Systems Integration and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): The Perspective of a Manufacturing Process.

Sadeeq Garba Abubakar, Muhammad Zaharadeen Abubakar AND Muhammad Zia-Ul-Rahman Abubakar


This study gives an insight into on how software integration enhances the way of achieving coordination and organization of operations inside and outside organizations. It examines how the integration design force can exert a powerful influence on the shape of information systems for the achievement of corporate goals. Today, organizations have moved from stand-alone business information systems applications to integrated enterprise-wide systems. Expected from an effective organization are supporting and continuity of transfer of information from one step to another and the switching from one function to another. Performance of activities must be well supported so that the task as a whole can be completed in a reasonable time. Transfer of information must be maintained in terms of its efficiency and reliability. The methodology adopted was the use of secondary research which is useful to better understand and explain the research question. Secondary data can be raw data or published summaries from books, journal articles, online data sources and reports. The result shows that integration of information systems can foster a climate of creativity, harmony and a sense of organizational solidarity. Therefore the study recommends that organizations particularly in developing economies like ours, should strive toward integrating organizations information systems which increases the efficiency and wellbeing of the enterprise. In furtherance of this, the full potentials of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems could be harnessed. The goal of an ERP system is to make the information flow dynamic and immediate (within the organization and with its partners), therefore, increasing its usefulness and value


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