IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 4 NO. 3 2018

Human Resource Practices and Product Innovativeness in Selected Manufacturing Company in Rivers State, Nigeria

Agi, Enduance, Gabriel, J.M.O (Ph.D), & Okparanma, A. O. (Ph.D)


This work examined human resource practices and product innovativeness in manufacturing firms in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. For the purposes of this work six hypotheses were raised, and questionnaire was designed to enable the researcher obtain the information required to test the raised hypotheses. Two Hundred and thirty (230) structured questionnaire copy using five (5) point Likert Scale were administered to respondents in the selected manufacturing firms. Out of which 226 were successfully retrieved, however, only 224 were accurately completed representing a respondent rate of 97%. These formulated hypotheses were tested using Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation Coefficient Statistical tool. The outcome of the test revealed that there is significant relationship between the dimensions of human resource practices (recruitment, career management, and performance appraisal) and product innovativeness. Based on these observations from the results of the hypotheses the study concluded that human resource practices in organisations are essential, and has impact on product innovativeness. Based on the findings it was recommended that manufacturing industry decision makers should put more effort in ensuring their human resource practice is properly administered and the processes of recruitment is standardized, devoid of bias or prejudice with an intent to uphold competence of required skills and available vacancy, they should also recognise relevance of employee career management and deal thoroughly with it so as to always provide the organisation with the right set of employees at each given time.


Human Resource Practices, Recruitment, Career management, Performance appraisal and Product innovativeness


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