E-ISSN 2545-5303
P-ISSN 2695-2203
VOL. 4 NO. 3 2018

Collaboration Strategy and Employee Performance in Oil Producing Companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Silas Gift Echaaobari, Adim, C. Victor & Ihunda, C. C.


This study focused on the relationship between collaboration strategy and employee performance in oil producing companies in Port Harcourt in Port Harcourt. The study adopted a cross sectional survey method. Primary data were collated using structured questionnaire administered to five (5) oil producing companies operational in Port Harcourt .The study population was 345 from a sample size of 181 was obtained using the Krejcie and Morgan sample size determination table. The internal reliability of the instrument was ascertained through the Crombach Alpha coefficient with all the items scoring above 0.70 bench mark set by Nunnally (1970). Descriptive statistics and Pearson Product Moment correlation was used for data analysis and hypothesis testing. The study findings reveal that there is a positive significant relationship between collaboration and employee performance in oil producing companies in Port Harcourt. Therefore, it was concluded that since acrimony, disagreement and grievance is inevitable, management should adopt proven techniques of resolving them so that the corporate goal will be actualized by the collective contribution of every member of the organization. It was based on this empirical finding that the study recommended collaboration as one of the veritable tool in resolving disputes and enhancing teamwork and collectiveness amongst employees in the oil producing companies in Port Harcourt. Also, management should not be hesitant in noticing conflict at its early stage to ensure quick application of processes that will promote collaboration amongst employee.

