IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 4 NO. 3 2018

Reward System as a Predictor of Employees Motivation in National Root Crop Institute, Umudike

Nwosu Ndubuisi Levi & Onwumelu Odinakachi Philip and Dialoke Ikechukwu


The rapid changes in our business environment and increasing communication, development in knowledge management have made reward a system very paramount in every business sector. For employees to be fully motivated, the reward system should be the centre focus for the director of research institute, Umudike. The objective of this study was to find out the reward system as a predictor of employees’ motivation in the National Root Crop Research Institute (NRCRI). The study adopted the descriptive design survey. The population of the study was 1385, according the report of the personnel department of June 2017. The sample size of 310 was drawn using the Taro Yamen formula. The hypotheses testing were done through the correlation coefficient model and the simple regression model. The findings revealed that there exist a correlation between reward system and employees’ motivation of the NRCRI, indicating a positive relationship. It was also observed that employees’ pay has a great effect on employees’ motivation, as the result from the regression model showed a positive and statically significance at 1% level. The study recommended that the reward system of the NRCRI should be centre focus of the management of the institute, if the core mandate of setting up the institute is to be realized; the intrinsic and extrinsic working conditions of the NRCRI, Umudike should form part of the legal framework of the institute, as this has a way of influencing the performance of the employees and that better pay packages should be review from time to time by the management of the institute in order to spur and motivate the staff of the institute and their performance.


Motivation, Reward System, Employees’ Pay, Working Conditions.


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