IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 4 NO. 3 2018

Flexi-Time Work Practice and Employee Productivity in Tertiary Institutions in Rivers State

Tamunomiebi, Miebaka Dagogo (PhD)


This study examined the relationship between flexi-time work practice and employee Productivity in tertiary institutions in Port Harcourt. The study used a correlational cross sectional design involving academic staff in four (4) tertiary institutions in Rivers State. Primary data was obtained using questionnaire as the research instrument. The target population of the study was. From the accessible records, the targeted population shows a total number of 3,194 academic staff. A sample size of 327 was obtained through the Taro Yamane sample size determination formula and the simple random technique was used. The internal reliability of the research instrument was tested using Cronbach Alpha Coefficient and only items that have an alpha reading of 0.70 and above were considered .After data cleaning only data of 294 respondents were finally used for data analysis. Descriptive statistics and Spearman’s rank correlation were used for data analysis and hypothesis testing. The study findings confirm that there is a positive significant relationship between flexi-time work practice and employee Productivity in tertiary institutions in Rivers State. The study recommends that management of tertiary institutions should encourage more the already existing practice of flexi-time work practices within the academic cadre to allow more devotion of time for research which is the bedrock of any tertiary institution.

flexi-time work practice, employee productivity, tertiary institutions


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