IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 4 NO. 1 2018

The Perception of Technological Entrepreneurship among the Working Class Women Entrepreneurs in Lagos State

David, J. O. (M.Sc.), Ajani, J. O. (M.Sc.), Alabi, F. A. (M.Sc.), & Sanda, M. O. (B.Sc.)


This study specifically investigated the perception of technological entrepreneurship amongst women entrepreneurs in Lagos State. This study also investigated the factors influencing the perception of women entrepreneurs as well as how their perception influences their involvement. In addition, this study suggested ways that the involvement of women entrepreneurs can be improved in technological entrepreneurship. The population of the study was purposively estimated as 400 out of which 300 was purposively sampled through simple random sampling technique. A total of 214 responses were received from the questionnaire administered online. The data collected was analysed using mean, percentages and correlation analysis. The findings from this research study revealed that women entrepreneurs have the perception that they have the knowledge, skills (mean=4.59), core competence (mean=4.80), positive contribution needed in technological entrepreneurs (mean=4.80). It also discovered that women entrepreneurs are willing to be technological entrepreneurs if given adequate finance from financial institutions (mean=4.71), governmental support (mean=4.70), societal support (mean=4.83), workshops for training and skills development (mean=4.81). Therefore women entrepreneurs should be given financial support, societal support, workshops for training and skills development in order to improve their involvement in technological entrepreneurship


Perception, Entrepreneurship, Women entrepreneurs, Technological entrepreneurship.


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