IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 4 NO. 1 2018

Industrial Relations Environment in Nigeria: Implications for Managers in Nigeria Workplaces

Obiekwe, Onyebuchi, Felix, Owajimogobo & Izim, Blessing


This paper examines the industrial relations environment in Nigeria and its implications to managers in the Nigerian workplace. It noted some aims of industrial relations as maintenance of industrial peace and creation of congenial environment which enhance increase in organizational productivity. The study observes that peaceful and harmonious industrial relations are vital for organizational productivity and improved national economic development. However, the management-labour relationship is highly influenced by some complex business environmental factors which are mostly outside the control of the parties in the relationship. The paper conclude that the establishment of a good industrial relations depends on the constructive attitude of all the parties involved in the work arrangement to bring about industrial harmony that is necessary to boost employees morale and commitment. It recommended, among others, that management should put in place an effective environmental procedure that is easy for employees to understand and also explore every possible avenue to tackle any challenge in the industrial relations environment which is capable of threatening organizational peace and well being. In addition, organizations should do proper environmental scanning in order to understand how economic, socio- cultural, political, technological, and international environments as well as other factors influences industrial relations, so as to design appropriate control measures to minimize the negative impacts of such environments


Industrial relations, IR environment, industrial harmony, improved productivity


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