IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management (IJEBM )

E-ISSN 2489-0065
P-ISSN 2695-186X
VOL. 3 NO. 10 2017

Effect of Employees Training on Organizational Performance: A Study of Seven-Up Botlling Company, Enugu State Nigeria

Enyioko Victoria Uzoamaka, & Ikoro Emenike Innocent


The study focused on Effect of Employees Training on Organizational Performance Study of Seven Up Bottling Company, Enugu State, Nigeria. The process and procedure of identifying employee skill gap in most organizations pose a big challenge to the Human Resource Department (HRD). Employee training is based on various reasons which could be detrimental to the overall objective of the organization. The HRD ensure that sending an employee on training will translate to increase in productivity. Thus, adequate consideration should be taken by the HRD when selecting a candidate for training. The ability to manage and work around the challenges faced when carrying out this HR function will ensure a better training objective that will affect the productivity of the employee and the organization. Since the effect of these factors brings with it some negative implications and consequences of low productivity, high rate of employee turnover and high cost; this study therefore was aimed at identifying the effects of employee training on organizational performance with special emphasis on the process and procedure of selecting employee for training. Pursuant to this, some objectives were formulated by the researcher and these were to ascertain the extent to which unsystematic approach of employee training affects organizational productivity; to determine the extent of effect of training design on employee productivity; to ascertain the extent to which training delivery style affects employee productivity; to determine the relationship between employee perceptions of training and organizational productivity; and to determine the extent to which employee training affects organizational performance. In pursuit of the objectives, a survey research was carried out in Enugu State, Nigeria. The population used for the study was 110 staff of 7UP Bottling Company. Sample size was determined using taro Yamane (1964) formula. The study made use of data from primary and secondary sources wh


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